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Compromising AD - Part 1: Initial Attack Vectors


In the digital landscape, Active Directory (AD) is the cornerstone of network identity and access management, exerting immense power within an organization’s infrastructure.

Yet, as the heartbeat of user authentication and authorization, it presents an enticing target for cyber adversaries seeking entry points to exploit. This four-part blog series ventures into the maze of Active Directory compromises, sketching insights from the TCM Security course to describe the vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and crucially, robust strategies for fortification and defense.

Delving deep into the nuances of AD security, we’ll navigate through the anatomy of attacks, explore the methods utilized by threat actors, and unveil comprehensive mitigation techniques that empower organizations to safeguard their AD infrastructure against sophisticated attacks.

Initial Attack Vectors

Reference Article

Install Impacket Tools

python3 -m pip install .

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 -m pip install tox jupyter-core tornado nbformat websocket-client python-dateutil bleach defusedxml mistune pygments requests backcall decorator jedi pexpect pickleshare prompt-toolkit


Defense Against LLMNR Poisoning


What is SMB Relay?

Instead of cracking hashes gathered with Responder, we can instead relay those hashes to specific machines and potentially gain access!



we have received connection from IP and now,
we will be targeting smb://,
using Taylor’s credentials,
if Taylor is an admin on that machine,
it works and Dumps SAM Files (or SAM Hashes)!

If -i mode is used, you will get a message that an interactive shell has been started at

Simply use netcat to load shell up

nc 11000

Then you may browse to other shares

use ADMIN$

Now, use smbexec, wmiexec, psexec or Metasploit to break in! domain/user:password@ip 

Defense Against SMB Relay


Suppose the Machines on our network are using IPv4 but they have IPv6 turned on, our attacker Machine can listen for v6 messages that come through.

AND the issue here is that we can get authentication to Domain Controller via LDAP or SMB!

AND we can create ANOTHER MACHINE using that MACHINE

AND we can wait for someone to log into their network which comes to us by NTLM

AND we LDAP RELAY that to Domain Controller

USING mitm6 and ntlmrelayx



Combining NTLM Relays and Kerberos Delegation:


Question: My ntlmrelayx is giving an error during the attack. How can I resolve?

Resolution: Impacket versions > 0.9.19 are unstable and causing issues for students and pentesters alike. Try purging impacket completely and downloading 0.9.19 from here:


Defense Against IPv6 Attacks


Multi-Function Peripherals (MFPs) are an underutilized target in the realm of pen testing. When compared against other high-value targets, MFP hacking appears to be the low man on the totem pole. Penetration testers frequently attack other targets like web applications, file servers, and domain controllers. Too often, the thought is: Why waste your time on printers when you can attack things like systems potentially resulting in:

MFPs are the clunky pile of plastic typically located in your corporate closet. They’re equipped with network ports, USB drives, and an iPad looking control panel with its own set of specialized applications. These intelligent devices are capable of much more than the standard copy, print, and fax. Don’t forget the occasional paper jam too.

These industrial ink bleeders are loaded with plenty of functionality, like the ability to integrate with the corporate network to allow for convenient scan/email. This functionality necessitates:

MFP-LDAP integration can be a control mechanism to prevent unauthorized users from printing, copying, scanning, etc. It can also be used for email address lookups when leveraging the scan/copy to email functionality, as well as giving authenticated users access to their home folder located on the network.

Introducing the Pass-Back Attack

The stored LDAP credentials are usually located on the network settings tab in the online configuration of the MFP and can typically be accessed via the Embedded Web Service (EWS). If you can reach the EWS and modify the LDAP server field by replacing the legitimate LDAP server with your malicious LDAP server, then the next time an LDAP query is conducted from the MFP, it will attempt to authenticate to your LDAP server using the configured credentials or the user-supplied credentials. 

Accessing the EWS

Most MFPs ship with a set of default administrative credentials to access the EWS. These credentials are usually located in the Administrator Guide of the MFP in question and are a good place to start for initial access:

VendorUsernamePasswordRicohadminblankHPadminadmin or blankCanonADMINcanonEpsonEPSONWEBadmin

Another way to potentially access the EWS is through the Printer Exploitation Toolkit (PRET) and Praeda. Both tools are capable of Information Disclosure and Code Execution. If you are looking to utilize the tools for the first time, here are a few resources to help you get started:

Replace LDAP Attributes

Once you are authenticated to the EWS, locate the LDAP settings. During our test on an HP Color LaserJet MFP M477fdn, these settings were in the access control portion of the networking tab.

Next, we removed the existing LDAP Server Address,, and replaced it with our IP Address. Next, we saved the settings. Then, we created a Netcat listener on port 389, which was the existing port in the LDAP settings of the MFP.

Capture Credentials

The configuration of this MFP requires users to authenticate before using the available resources like the scan-to-email ability. The next time an unsuspecting user inputs their credentials at the control panel, the MFP will send their information to the LDAP server under our control.

If the MFP supports and is configured to store LDAP credentials for email lookup (the model we tested did not), then these credentials can also be passed back to the LDAP server under our control.

Attacking SMTP and Windows Sign-in

This attack can also be conducted against other settings on the MFP that support authentication. Like LDAP, the Windows sign-in can be an alternative method to control access to the MFP resources. We substitute the existing domain with our own domain, and the next time a domain user signs in at the control panel, the credentials are sent to our domain controller.

Conducting attacks on the SMTP configuration can also produce fruitful results. The existing SMTP configuration for this MFP has stored credentials for SMTP authentication that can be passed back to us, after replacing the existing SMTP server with our own SMTP server.

MFPs do not get the attention they deserve when it comes to security. They are usually physically accessible, poorly managed, and shipped with default credentials. All of this, coupled with their payout potential, should make them a prime target for your next engagement.


A Pen Tester’s Guide to Printer Hacking -


Next » Part 2: Post Compromise Enumeration

#active-directory #cybersecurity #windows #red-teaming