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First talk on 14th October 2023, at Elastic Community Event, Mumbai


This talk is all about how one can leverage Cybersecurity and create awesome tools and integrations using ElasticSearch’s builtin integrations. These integrations can be used with pre-existing open source as well as proprietary Cybersecurity tools like Suricata, Snort, etc. Not only specialized cybersecurity tools, but also Apache Web Server integration that can monitor an Apache2 instance for access and error logs. This talk also demonstrates on adding non-tool integrations like Network Packet Capture to monitor the running system.


This was my first talk at a public community event led by a company. I’d like to thank Ashish Tiwari for the opportunity. He came across this LinkedIn post and offered us the stage to showcase our project.

“HoneyTrack” was my 2nd year Engineering Mini Project, collaborated with Vivek Mishra, Jay Makwana, and Shrawani Pagar.

I’d also like to thank our industrial mentors Ojas Dedia and Pruthav Joshi who showed us the right direction of implementing ElasticSearch with Core-HoneyTrack.

#elasticsearch #cybersecurity #siem-soc #blue-teaming #tools